How Can I Renew Items On My Account?




You can access your account by going to our website at

  • At the top right of the page, you can find a link called "My Account" - Click on that link
  • You will be prompted to log in with your library card number (can be found on the back of your library card) and your PIN (the last four digits of the phone number we have on file)
  • Click on Account Activity.  You will find a list of the items you currently have checked out
  • Below each item there will be an orange box that says "Renew Loan"
  • Items can be individually renewed that way or you can click the white box to the right of the items and try renewing them all at one time


*If there are any items that cannot be renewed, a box will pop up that says "There was a problem.  The following title(s) could not be renewed" --insert item's title--.  Items that have holds on them or have reached their maximum number of renewals cannot be renewed.

  • Last Updated Jun 11, 2020
  • Views 91
  • Answered By Arielle Hemingway

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