How do the flex borrows work on hoopla?


You may notice something new on hoopla called "Flex" titles.  They are different from the Instant borrows that we have always had to this point in the sense that we buy a copy or copies of an item and one person can have them at a time (like with Libby).  The great thing about Flex is that we can pick and choose the titles we purchase so we are able to feature more popular titles than hoopla might normally offer.  Flex titles will have a symbol at the top looking like two arrows going around in a circle while the normal Instant borrows will have a little lightning bolt.  Here are some of the rules with the new Flex borrows:

How many can be checked out at a time: 5

How many holds can you have on flex borrows at a time: 5

Grace period to check a Fllex title out once hold become available: 48 hours

Do we allow renewals: Yes as long as there are no holds

How many renewals are allowed: 2 consecutive

Loan period for audiobooks/ebooks: 21 days

Can patrons put in requests for new titles: Yes

Convert title request to a hold if title is purchased: Yes


The best part about Flex borrows is that they don't eat into your monthly instant borrow limit.  You can still check out seven titles a month when it comes to Instant borrows and have five extra Flex titles at any given time.


If you have any questions, please call the help desk at 989-773-3242 ext. 202

  • Last Updated Dec 16, 2022
  • Views 379
  • Answered By Arielle Hemingway

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